Dr. Ashok Chauhan

We are forever indebted to our respected Founder President Sir, Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan, for providing us with this oppurtunity and exposure to explore our talents. Sir's vision and extrordinary ability and leadership to guide us at all steps is what keeps us motivated to achieve the best.

Dr. Amita Chauhan

Our esteemed Chairperson, Dr. Mrs. Amita Chauhan Maam has been our support system throughout our journey. She has always held our hand and guided us on this path for which we are forever grateful to her and this amazing institution i.e. Amity.

Ms. Meenu Kanwar

It is only under the able guidance of our Principal, Ms Meenu Kanwar Maam, that we, Crescendo have grown leaps and bounds. Her leadership has always taught us to be steadfast. A pillar of strength, ma'am has always been our supporter.